When I was a little girl my parents sent me to a pre school on the North Shore called "Rainbow School." I remember Ms. Jane and the "Buddha Hunt" song she taught us all along with the scratch and sniff wall paper, nap time, and eating cereal out of little cardboard boxes.

One of my most vivid memories is waiting for my dad's black car after school. I waited and waited. It seemed like forever. Little did I know, my dad traded in his BMW for a brand new, "doo doo brown"  El Camino. So as I sat puzzled, he sat in the car, waiting for me to recognize him and get excited, instead, he came running out when I started crying cause I couldn't find him... When he asked me if I liked the new car I asked him why he got one the color of doo doo instead of red.

Guess almost everything is better in red.

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