I have been traveling a lot lately, even for me ( who can't seem to stay in the same place for longer than a month without going a little stir crazy). As I travel from west to east and back I have not only racked up the frequent flier miles but I have become acutely aware of the fact that I am a "window seat-er." I have also learned that I like flying west rather than east especially in the afternoon. From New York to Los Angeles, if taking off at just the right time, you fly right into an almost eternal sunset. Instead of the 15 minutes of glory we get standing on the ground, a window seat at 35,000 feet above the ground speeding through the air at 500 mph headed west gives you hours of changing light and landscape, cloud cover and colors... I have always been inspired by the fleeting. I love things you can only grasp for an instant, like a sunset or a kiss, this is my way of holding onto it for a bit longer, all while moving forward.

One Comment
Your description of these images is as lovely as the images themselves. I love the last line--holding on a bit longer while moving forward. So beautiful! :)
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