You are invited to the gallery opening, First Friday (September 5):
September 4-20, 2008
Dirty Laundry is an exhibition devoted to the concept of potential.
Using stains as an integral part of the design and fashion of a t-shirt, the show seeks
to shift perceptions that something (or someone, for that matter) can be ruined.
Each artist has been given 6 shirts to stain using a medium of their choice.
After "ruining" each shirt, the artist creates a custom design that works with the shape, size and medium of the stain.
Those designs are hand-printed onto the shirts, thus making the stain an integral part of the apparel's fashion.
Nuuanu Gallery
1161 Nuuanu Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96817
For more information, visit:
All of these amazing artists in Hawaii!
You can't miss this!
Here are some preview photos!

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